Hiv Seroconversion Symptoms What Does This Mean?

What does this mean? - hiv seroconversion symptoms

UK: missed opportunities for diagnosis of primary HIV infection

February 11, 2008

The researchers undertook the current study to determine the extent to which the primary HIV infection (PHI) presents to the providers of health and the extent to which it is diagnosed.

Using the criteria of an antibody response in evolution, negative HIV test within 18 months or a serological testing algorithm for recent seroconversion, which has been identified with HIV diagnosed people with a recent infection with HIV between 2003 and 2005. Using Notes HIV clinic and laboratory (all were HIV tests performed in the same laboratory), the authors found that the symptoms of IPS and the presentation of other providers.

Identified from the 108 subjects, 95 percent (n = 103) were men and 86 percent (n = 93) were men who have sex with men. Sixty-six (70 percent) reported symptoms of seroconversion, 40 (53 percent) were symptomatic at the time of the visit of the health system. Twenty (52 percent) of these patients were diagnosed with PHI at first presentation. In 19 patients (48Percent), a diagnosis of PHI was not at the first presentation. Of those treated 15 in the primary care clinics, three accidents / emergencies, and) in a urinary medicine (GUM setting.

PHI diagnosis is often overlooked, "conclude the authors." People in high-risk groups should be informed about access to medical care when symptoms of seroconversion. Non-HIV/GUM health care providers (may) in particular will benefit from basic training in recognizing cases in order to increase prices for the diagnosis


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