Arthritis From Punching If I Punch A Punching Bag Without Gloves Will It Give Me Problems Later In Life?

If i punch a punching bag without gloves will it give me problems later in life? - arthritis from punching

I am 16 and punch the punching bag in my room without gloves. It does not hurt my hand now, but can cause problems in their hands, such as arthritis cause when I grow up?


Brandon R said...

Develop arthritis, but how you do not worry.

Effects are calloused Nickel and U receive small bone fractures in the hand ur int is again becoming stronger, but it is difficult to put ur flex Be careful when using technology ur right u just break ur wrist

I suggest that only. u do not need gloves, but learn to adapt UR hand. u will find the material while working on coats and it will save ur tired wrists.

Genco said...

I want to use gloves or coats or both. If you try to practice Bare Knuckle MMA Bag Gloves. They are small, for you and your piercing with his bare fists. In addition, they have come with the gel, as the doctor inserts single gel, they are much safer on the wrists and shoulders.

headwall... said...

Answer me. ...

NeoX said...

We need calcium deposits and make your hand. I know that given the master of Karate Punch tree trunks in order to better their hands to be and nothing seems to go wrong with them.

Crusher said...

It depends on how the joints are knock hard and soft. Bruising, then probably not, but if you break your hand (I suggest you do not xD), which may later develop arthritis, but nothing serious

cuutie07 said...

Yes, later in life can have arthritis) and / or serious problems of Knuckles (

bundini said...

Yes, probably a broken hand.

roco said...

Yes, it does not start, please Gloves

babycake... said...

There is the risk to hurt your fingers or a broken bone

Do not be stupid to wear a glove!

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